England Northern Counties East League

England Northern Counties East League

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The Northern Counties East Football League is a semi-professional English football league. It has two divisions – Premier Division and Division One – which stand at the ninth and tenth levels of the English football pyramid respectively.


The league was formed in 1982 following the merger of the Yorkshire League and Midland League. For its inaugural season, the league consisted of five divisions. Since then, the league has undergone several changes to the point where since 2018 it has two divisions of 20 teams.

The league has maintained promotion and relegation between its divisions since its beginning. In 2015 a series of play-offs were introduced for the first time to determine a third promotee from Division One.

The competition has several feeder leagues at level 11 of the pyramid, which may provide new member clubs each year:

  • Central Midlands League North Division
  • Humber Premier League Premier Division
  • Lincolnshire League
  • Sheffield and Hallamshire County Senior League Premier Division
  • West Yorkshire League Premier Division
  • York League Premier Division
  • Yorkshire Amateur League Supreme Division

Clubs are also liable to be transferred to other leagues if the FA deems it geographically suitable to do so.

Liga anglických severných okresov východ (ENCFL) je ôsma najvyššia liga v anglickom futbalovom systéme ligy. Pokrýva severovýchod Anglicka a je podriadená severnej Premier League.

ENCFL bola založená v roku 1987 ako divízia 2 severnej Premier League. V roku 1989 sa stala samostatnou ligou a v roku 1991 sa rozdelila na dve divízie. V roku 2004 boli dve divízie premenované na Premier Division a Division One.

ENCFL je regionálna liga, ktorá obsahuje kluby zo severovýchodu Anglicka. Liga je rozdelená na dve divízie, Premier Division a Division One. Víťaz Premier Division postúpi do severnej Premier League a posledný tím z Premier Division zostúpi do Division One. Víťaz Division One postupuje do Premier Division a posledný tím z Division One zostupuje do North West Counties League.

ENCFL je jednou z najsilnejších regionálnych líg v Anglicku. Liga obsahuje niekoľko kvalitných tímov a poskytuje dobrú cestu pre hráčov, ktorí sa chcú rozvíjať v kariére.